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Privacy Policy 

Last updated: 19th November 2020


We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors, the people we communicate with, and the users of our products and services. This policy sets out how we treat your personal data. Please read it carefully to understand how your personal data will be treated as you engage with ICAO Standard English and make use of our website and our products and services.


We review our privacy practices from time to time and accordingly our privacy policy may be periodically supplemented or modified.




ICAO Standard English, L.L.C. (“ICAO Standard English”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) is a private limited company formed at 1126 S Frankfort Ave, Tulsa, OK 74120, United States. We may be contacted at



Your principal rights under data protection law are:

  1. The right to access;

  2. The right to rectification;

  3. The right to erasure;

  4. The right to restrict processing;

  5. The right to object to processing;

  6. The right to data portability;

  7. The right to complain to a supervisory authority; and

  8. The right to withdraw consent.

Please let us know if you would like to exercise any of your rights at any time.




We collect different types of personal data from you as you engage with ICAO Standard English, use our website and our products and services. The legal basis for processing your personal data is our legitimate interests, namely the proper management, administration, and development of our business, our website, and our products and services. The personal data we collect is as follows:


3.1 Website data


This website is owned and operated by ICAO Standard English, LLC. We may process data about your use of our website (“Website Data”).

This website uses cookies. You can view our cookie policy here:

Website Data may include your IP address, geographical location, browser type, and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views, and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency, and pattern of your use of our website.

We use Google Analytics and Wix Analytics to analyze Website Data. These analytics generate statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies, which are stored on users' computers. The information generated relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of the website. Google and Wix will store this information.


Google's privacy policy is available at:

Wix's privacy policy is available at: 


Website Data may be processed for the purposes of analyzing website use and optimizing the performance of our website.

Our website includes hyperlinks to, and details of, third party websites. We have no control over and are not responsible for, the privacy policies and practices of third parties.


3.2. Correspondence Data


We may process your correspondence data (“Correspondence Data”). The Correspondence Data may include your name, your telephone number, your address, your employer, your job position, and your email address. Your Correspondence Data is provided to us via:

  • Face-to-face, video-conference and/or telephone communication with you or your employer;

  • Direct mail and email correspondence with you or your employer;

  • The contact us form on our website here: 

  • By referral from a third party.

Correspondence Data may also be data that is otherwise in the public domain.

We process Correspondence Data for the purposes of communicating with you, offering, marketing, selling, and providing relevant products and/or services to you directly, and ensuring the proper administration of our website, business, and services.


3.3 Notification Data


We may process your notification data (“Notification Data”). Notification Data may include your name and your email address. The source of Notification Data is a possible newsletter sign-up via Our subscription pop-up.

We will process Notification Data only with your express consent and for the purposes of offering, marketing, selling relevant products, and/or services to you directly and/or by email newsletter.

We use MailMunch, a 3rd party permission-based email marketing tool, and your Notification Data may be stored by MailMunch. You may unsubscribe from our possible email newsletter at any time by following the instructions contained at the end of each newsletter or notification. All unsubscribe requests are may or may not be actioned immediately. MailMunch privacy policy is available at:


3.4 Account Data


We may process your account data (“Account Data”). Account Data may include your name, your telephone number, your address, your email address, your date of birth, your nationality, your first language, your professional background, qualifications, experience and interests, data pertaining to your language education, learning, and assessment including training progress and performance and assessment and test scores, your passport details, your national identification details, your bank details, information relating to any purchases you make of our products or services; and any other personal and professional information deemed necessary to communicate to us by you or us when you purchase or use our products or services. The source of Account Data is:

  • You or your employer and provided to us via direct face-to-face communication, mail, email, or telephone correspondence with you or your employer leading up to or during:

    • Our provision of products to you or your employer; and/or

    • Our performance of services for you or your employer;

  • Your responses to surveys and feedback questionnaires on our products and services on paper or via our website.

We process Account Data for the purposes of offering, marketing, selling relevant products and/or services to you directly and/or by email newsletter, and for the proper administration, delivery, development, and improvement of our products and services.


3.5 Response Data


We may process response data (“Response Data”). Response Data is information provided to us by you or generated by you during your use of our products and services including those products and services delivered via Third-Party Providers listed in this Privacy Policy. Response Data may include responses (selected, written, and spoken) to training and assessment activities, progress and performance metrics, and assessment and test scores. We process Response Data to:

  • Provide products and perform services as requested by you or your employer or your sponsor;

  • To create certificates and reports related to your progress and performance during the use of our products and services (certificates and reports may be sent to you, your employer, or your sponsor);

  • To analyze and research the performance of our products and services for the purposes of monitoring and quality; and

  • For internal training.

From time to time, we may publish information in the public domain about the performance of our products and services based on your Response Data. Where we do this, your Response Data will be anonymized.


3.6 Hire Data


We may process your hire data (“Hire Data”). Hire Data may include your name, your telephone number, your address, your email address, your date of birth, your nationality, your place of residence, your marital and family status, your professional background, qualifications, experience and interests, your bank details, your passport details and any other personal and professional information we or you deem necessary to communicate to us when enquiring about working with us or in the performance of work for us. Hire Data is provided to us by you via direct mail, email, or telephone correspondence, or via the careers form on our website here: We process Hire Data for the purposes of communicating with you, offering work to you, performing work with you, paying you, record-keeping, and maintaining back-ups of our databases.




We use third-party providers (“Third-Party Providers”) for the delivery of our e-learning and e-assessment products and services. Your personal data may be processed by the Third Party Provider in accordance with their privacy and data protection policy.

E-learning: Zoom and Skype

Zoom's General Terms and Conditions are available at:

Skype’s privacy policy is available at:



We use Wix's payment processing systems. Your personal data, including your bank details, may be processed by, Inc: 




We take appropriate technical and organizational precautions to secure your personal data, to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, destruction, or damage, and unauthorized or unlawful access of your personal data, and to keep your data up-to-date.

We store data on secure servers personal computers and mobile devices, and in secure manual record-keeping systems. We use Google Apps to store personal data. Google's privacy policy is available at:

Your personal data may be reviewed every 2 years and any data that is no longer necessary for our internal management processes will be deleted. Otherwise, We will process and store your data until such time as you request us to erase it or until ICAO Standard English ceases to trade (whichever comes sooner). In either event, your data will be immediately and permanently erased.

You acknowledge that the transmission of unencrypted (or inadequately encrypted) data over the internet is inherently insecure and that we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet.

You may need to use (a) password(s) to access restricted areas of our website or products and services delivered via Third-Party Providers. In these cases, you are responsible for ensuring that your password(s) are kept secure and remain confidential, and are not susceptible to being guessed, whether by a person or a computer program. We will not ask you for your password (except when you log in to our website or Third-Party Providers).




We may share personal data with your employer and any of our employees, officers, agents, suppliers, or subcontractors insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes as set out in this privacy policy. Where we do this, we take the appropriate steps to ensure that your data is secured to at least the same extent as provided for in this privacy policy.

We may disclose your personal data to the extent that we are required to do so by law or in order to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights.

We may share your Correspondence Data with carefully selected third parties where we believe there is legitimate and reasonable interest or benefit to you or your employer, such as when referring you to a potential customer or user of you or your employer’s products or services, or referring you to a business or provider of products and services that we believe is of direct interest to you. We will notify you every time we share your Correspondence Data for this purpose.

Except as set out in this section 6, we will never sell, rent or give away your personal data, ever.

Any processing of your personal data for purposes not explicitly stated in this privacy policy will be subject to our receipt of your consent received prior to our use of your data.

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